Stop the FPL Rate Hike

Should FPL Customers pay 20% more? Hell NO!

Basic Info:
FPL wants to increase their profits absurdly… because drowning Coastal Florida isn’t enough to satisfy them.
Who pays? Average people suffer more than businesses. Do nothing, and they can shaft us.

To get the Rate Hike, FPL’s proposal has to be approved by the PSC (and you do nothing).
This is your chance.

This is not a petition, it is your response to an official gov’t process.
The Public Service Commission (PSC) is supposed to protect us from abuse by Monopolies like FPL.
This is your last opportunity to be heard by this regulatory agency during their “listening” process.
Unfortunately, the PSC is made up of political appointees who love corporations.
The good news: Every email they get is counted, and lots of “NO” statements will have a big impact…
We-The-People stopped FPL’s last rate grab this way. 🙂


Basic Actions:

1. Send your email to the Public Service Commission. Details Matter.
To make a comment, email the Public Service Commission at [email protected] or send a letter to Office of Commission Clerk 2540 Shumard Oak Blvd., Tallahassee, FL, 32399. Include the case docket number: 20210015-EI.

2. Share this info with friends by social media or email. Invite 10 friends to send the email. Ask your club’s members to send it… you get the idea. Your word of mouse matters. Hashtags #StopFPL and #EverybodyHatesFPL.

3. Sign Up for Campaign Info!
UPG has been fighting FPL’s greed and destruction for years, and we’re ramping up to do more.
Use the link below that suits you best…
(TBD: Insert links)

About the Photo:
Wondering why the photo shows a city being overwhelmed by Sea Level Rise?
Glad you asked.
FPL generates about 70% of its electricity from Fracked Gas. The Fracking process releases massive amounts of unrestricted Methane, which is around 80x worse as a Greenhouse Gas than CO2. It also creates massive site pollution that contaminates neighborhoods, schools, and farmlands and ground waters with carcinogenic chemicals.

They know that Methane causes Sea-Level Rise, and that their greed will help drown Florida’s coastlines. They don’t care.

A Deeper Dive: Here’s a Q&A about FPL’s corporate abuse.

Q: FPL runs ads that make them sound like Solar Power is a big deal with them. What’s the truth?

A: FPL made big promises to increase their solar power from 1% to more than 3%. In reality, they didn’t do more than a fraction of that promise, and now they have backpedaled. Fake-out…

At the same time, FPL has attempted to take over or stop the residential Solar market (because they don’t want you to make money on your own roof). Basically, they had invested stupid money in Fracking infrastructure, especially power stations and pipelines. Now that solar power costs are dropping, FPL is stuck with their bad investments… and now they want us to pay them more to drown our homes.

FPL warps our government because it makes them Billions. Examples:

They stopped the (good) Solar Choice Amendment (which would have legalized micro-grids, among other things) buy hiring away the petition company. Then FPL lobbyists created the (bad, FPL-backed) “Amendment 1 for the Sun” which was great for FPL and bad for ordinary people. In a triumph for the Grass Roots, most Florida Voters voted that down (UPG helped with voter education). One of their lobbyists bragged to his industry about fooling the voters with their tricks, and the voters got pissed saw through their scam.


Q: Monopolies abusing people? Aren’t there laws against this?

A: Yes, there are laws to protect consumers such as the law that created the PSC. Sadly, the PSC depends on an honest political process, but Florida politics has been corrupted by the very monopolies that they are supposed to regulate: FPL (NextEra), Gulf Power (Southern Company), Duke Energy and Tampa Electric.


Q: Does this mean that the PSC is totally corrupt? Why bother writing that email?

A: No, the PSC has the Office of Public Counsel, which speaks for us. Although outnumbered, the OPC is like the conscience of the PSC. The emails we write will be measured, and the OPC will ensure we are heard.
That said, the PSC

“…the Office of Public Counsel, which represents citizens in the matter, has argued the utility’s 1972 federal permit to operate the canals makes clear that FPL bears the responsibility for making sure the canals work properly.”



Say NO to FPL’s Rate Hike… and to FPL drowning South Florida!
Send the bill to Corporate, not the Rate Payers (humans forced to hook up to their power).

ACTION: This is critical – if you don’t comment NO, FPL will approve this rate hike that will affect 11 million Floridian residential/business customers, during a global Pandemic!

All for “clean energy,” which is not clearly. FLP wants to sell you NATURAL GAS or FRACKED GAS as CLEAN ENERGY and build a NATURAL GAS PLANT in Dania, Beach, “FPL CLEAN ENERGY CENTER” Florida with your $$$ Creating pollution that was never there.

Read about it here:


Invite 10 friends to send email or written comments to help keep Florida afloat and from sink up for next steps!
