
Urban Paradise Guild Subscribers

By signing up for a UPG subscription, you'll be contributing monthly towards a better future for South Florida; think of your membership as a recurring donation in support of our hands-on projects and education. 

You'll receive reminders of when your upcoming donation is scheduled.

Check out our different memberships below!

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Bay Projects

Land Projects

Reef Projects




$5 monthly

$10 monthly

$20 monthly

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UPG Land Projects create life-supporting habitats for wildlife, enhance biodiversity, capture carbon, prevent butterfly extinctions and create climate resilience in South Florida's upland ecosystems. Your generosity provides shade for transit paths and agriculture for low-income residents, and mobilizing the community to respond to climate crisis head-on.

UPG Bay Projects create green defenses to protect both Bay and Land, Mangrove and Seagrass estuaries and Bay Calming features to reduce and absorb deadly murk from water. They will help bring life back to Seagrass beds which will help reverse the Bay's death spiral. They support birds and wildlife from inland to the gulf stream. They are critical to the Bay's survival in the era of Climate Crisis. 

UPG Reef Projects of the recently discovered reef off of South Beach. Public education, mooring buoys, dive area markings to prevent destruction. Reef projects protect the coast lines during hurricanes. Scientific Research documents the presence and health of endangered species. 

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Urban Paradise Guild Subscribers

By signing up for a UPG subscription, you'll be contributing monthly towards a better future for South Florida; think of your membership as a recurring donation in support of our hands-on projects and education. 
You'll receive reminders of when your upcoming donation is scheduled.
Check out our different memberships below!
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Bay Projects
Land Projects
Reef Projects
$5 monthly
$10 monthly
$20 monthly
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Able to give more? 
Customize your monthly generosity at checkout.
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UPG Land Projects create life-supporting habitats for wildlife, enhance biodiversity, capture carbon, prevent butterfly extinctions and create climate resilience in South Florida's upland ecosystems. Your generosity provides shade for transit paths and agriculture for low-income residents, and mobilizing the community to respond to climate crisis head-on.
UPG Bay Projects create green defenses to protect both Bay and Land, Mangrove and Seagrass estuaries and Bay Calming features to reduce and absorb deadly murk from water. They will help bring life back to Seagrass beds which will help reverse the Bay's death spiral. They support birds and wildlife from inland to the gulf stream. They are critical to the Bay's survival in the era of Climate Crisis. 
UPG Reef Projects of the recently discovered reef off of South Beach. Public education, mooring buoys, dive area markings to prevent destruction. Reef projects protect the coast lines during hurricanes. Scientific Research documents the presence and health of endangered species.