TLA: UPG’s Team Leader Academy


You can now register for individual TLA sessions!
Take the courses that work with your schedule.

WHEN: Saturdays from 8am – 12:30 pm / First day of classes: January 28th, 2023
WHERE: UPG Research Center at Amelia Earhart County Park and and project sites in Hialeah
WHY: Learn how to heal the world and fight Climate Crisis, and lead the community in this work
WHO: Anyone who has a passion for nature and serving the community

HOW DOES IT FEEL? Like THIS: 55 second video.

WHAT: Team Leaders are the most basic level of UPG Volunteer Staff. The TLA (Team Leader Academy) was created to provide uniform training and to prepare them to learn how to lead Volunteers. The TLA has evolved into a Volunteer Staff and Community Education Program for those who want to learn UPG skill sets.
COMMITMENT: If you sign up, you are committing to the Saturdays you sign up for. We hope that you will become a UPG Volunteer Staffer when you graduate, but that is a separate kind of commitment.
COST: Donation is optional, any amount helps. If sweat equity is what you can give, thanks!

FYI: UPG is hiring soon. TLA graduates are preferred by UPG for staff positions.

Curriculum updated 1/17/23.