Climate Active
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Climate Active
Apprentice Specialties
Climate Apprentice Program Management
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Land Bay Reef Partnership
Save Our Tree Canopy
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Climate Active
If YOU are Climate Active, it means that you are making time to do something with real impact on the Climate Crisis.
You are a bad-ass who doesn’t accept that we can’t change things... and your actions speak louder than any words ever could.
How do UPG members get Climate Active?
They join a UPG Team... and either invest in learning the skills... or they mentor others... and they get work done.
UPG Free Gardens program brings gardening to the family.
How: education, carbon prevention, reduced pollution (plus all the health, fiscal and community benefits).
PLANNING = Climate Active
Building Vegetable Gardens for Food Security = Climate Active
(education, carbon prevention, reduced pollution)
Fighting for Climate Justice = Climate Active
(mobilizing, educating, protecting)
Planting Mangroves = Climate Active
(green defenses, fish estuaries, water filters, carbon capture)
Running a Nursery = Climate Active
(carbon capture & prevention, enables UPG habitat & agriculture)
Making Documentaries = Climate Active
(motivating & education the community)
Seeds for Haiti = Climate Active
(humanitarian climate disaster aid, carbon prevention, education)
Business Projects = Climate Active
(non-profits need to take care of biz to enable everything we do)
Recruiting = Climate Active
(including recruiting you right now)
Donating = Climate Active
(We’re an operational organization with hard costs)
Fundraising = Climate Active
(We have programs ready to launch if we have strong support)
Anything you do to support UPG = Climate Active
(We are Volunteer Powered)
POLICY = Climate Active
UPG Policy is fighting to create better environmental policies.
• The
Consensus Master Plan for Virginia Key (~2010)
Stopped the River of Grass
Led the Miami-
Dade County Fracking Ban (~
, to name some notable ones.
Truth: we were just getting warmed up for what comes next.
How: Wise environmental, energy and transit policy starts with the people.
Who Cares?
• Children have the most to lose: it is their world the longest.
• Teens have the most to offer: minds and bodies being conditioned for adulthood, but
able to act now.
• Adults have the most to motivate: their families children need to be protected.
• Retirees have the most to give: time, wisdom and economic resources that are needed
for the change.
Climate Passive means doing nothing much, just letting the world spiral and ignoring it...
because... why? Too damned tired every day. (We feel ya!)
Got 3 hours a month to give? That is all it takes to get started.
start getting active
Climate Active
If YOU are Climate Active, it means that you are making time to do something with real impact on the Climate Crisis.
You are a bad-ass who doesn’t accept that we can’t change things... and your actions speak louder than any words ever could.
How do UPG members get Climate Active?
They join a UPG Team... and either invest in learning the skills... or they mentor others... and they get work done.
UPG Free Gardens program brings gardening to the family.
How: education, carbon prevention, reduced pollution (plus all the health, fiscal and community benefits).
PLANNING = Climate Active
Building Vegetable Gardens for Food Security = Climate Active
(education, carbon prevention, reduced pollution)
Fighting for Climate Justice = Climate Active
(mobilizing, educating, protecting)
Planting Mangroves = Climate Active
(green defenses, fish estuaries, water filters, carbon capture)
Running a Nursery = Climate Active
(carbon capture & prevention, enables UPG habitat & agriculture)
Making Documentaries = Climate Active
(motivating & education the community)
Seeds for Haiti = Climate Active
(humanitarian climate disaster aid, carbon prevention, education)
Business Projects = Climate Active
(non-profits need to take care of biz to enable everything we do)
Recruiting = Climate Active
(including recruiting you right now)
Donating = Climate Active
(We’re an operational organization with hard costs)
Fundraising = Climate Active
(We have programs ready to launch if we have strong support)
Anything you do to support UPG = Climate Active
(We are Volunteer Powered)
POLICY = Climate Active
UPG Policy is fighting to create better environmental policies.
• The Consensus Master Plan for Virginia Key (~2010),
• Stopped the River of Grass Greenway (~2015),
• Led the Miami-Dade County Fracking Ban (~2017), to name some notable ones.
Truth: we were just getting warmed up for what comes next.
How: Wise environmental, energy and transit policy starts with the people.
Who Cares?
• Children have the most to lose: it is their world the longest.
• Teens have the most to offer: minds and bodies being conditioned for adulthood, but
able to act now.
• Adults have the most to motivate: their families children need to be protected.
• Retirees have the most to give: time, wisdom and economic resources that are needed
for the change.
Climate Passive means doing nothing much, just letting the world spiral and ignoring it...
because... why? Too damned tired every day. (We feel ya!)
Got 3 hours a month to give? That is all it takes to get started.
start getting active